It's been a transformative last 5 years for me.
I left Miami to follow a career in art in New York.
Fell into a big pool of confusion and depression in the midst of it, and decided to return home to get my ducks back in a row..
The pressure to be perfect had weighed me down. NYC and I were in the "it's difficult" moment of our relationship.
I had lost all passion, and idea of who I was.
I was bitter, angry, and had become an expert at running away from my feelings.
I didn't cut myself any slack. My schedule was always full. and I was living to work, not working to live.
I had traumatic experiences that I had placed into a cold storage inside my heart, and never dissected. (A lifetime of challenges that taught me valuable lessons on how to heal myself.)
I was going to my college therapist almost four days a week, drinking to reward myself for all the endless hours I spent waiting tables and tending bars, and I was on prescription medication for my depression and anxiety attacks.
I wasn't happy.
I knew something had to change if I wanted to restore balance to my life.
There had been too much sadness that had been cultivating inside me for years, but now was especially the time.
I felt alone, anxious, depressed, unfulfilled, tired...the list goes on.
So I began my journey of healing. Slowly and mindfully.
Step 1: Detox. (No more toxic environments.)
Step 2: Go home. A chance to reflect. Return to my roots.
Step 3: Surrender. Not everything is in your control.
Step 4: Try something new. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.
and so it began.
A journey to nowhere and everywhere.
It hasn't been easy.
There's been a lot of self doubt.
Set backs.
Catching up.
and a lot of internal work had to be done within myself in order to get to where I am right now.
In all, I am very proud of myself, but I know I have a long way to go.
I have gotten my 200hr YTT (teacher training).
Taught large and public classes, as well as intimate one on one classes to overcome my fears of public speaking.
Eliminated many bad habits that where keeping me from growing to my fullest potential.
Worked on my relationship with myself.
These actions helped me grow more confident and powerful than ever.
Overall, i've taken risks, and made what once seemed"impossible", possible.
and with that said,
I couldn't have done it without change.
So I want to share this with you.
Every experience.
Every product.
Every book.
Every person, place or thing.
So you can start too, and find whatever it is you are looking for.
Healing is possible.
One step at a time.
With Love,